To celebrate the launch of Jeffrey Shaw's new book, The Self-Employed Life, join #SelfEmployedChallenge!
During the month of May 2021, nominate a self-employed business owner to win THREE MONTHS SMALL BUSINESS COACHING for FREE (value $7500!) Yes, you can nominate yourself and home businesses and offices are included!
Simply take a photo of the business owner or employee holding The Self-Employed Life book. Or take a photo of the book on-location at the place of business. Post it on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn and tag #SelfEmployedChallenge.
One lucky winner will be chosen from the hashtag. It might be random. It might be the most interesting business. Or compelling story. Perhaps the photo that goes most viral. But one lucky winner will receive three months of One-to-One Small Business Coaching with Jeffrey Shaw worth $7500 (Click here to find out more).
You can enter as many businesses as you'd like. You can even consider giving the book as a gift to each business you nominate (there are special incentives for bulk orders) or sending them to www.theselfemployedlife.me to get a copy of their own!
Get busy, have some fun, and let's support Self-Employed Businesses everywhere!