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Because Great Isn't Good Enough Anymore

Helping luxury brands, luxury goods and services, and service-based businesses Stand Out and Set a New Standard.


People expect "great" today. Great customer service, great quality, a great experience. In a world of too many choices, "great" isn't going to stand out. You have to be exceptional to be noticed and to be chosen.


I learned this early on as the premier portrait photographer in the U.S. for affluent families and in studying what customers needed to see, hear, and feel to choose me and my business. I knew as a luxury service provider, I had to set a new standard by which my clients measured all luxury goods and services, not just photography. 


Standing out and setting a new standard made me exceptional. 


Being exceptional made me successful.


You may be feeling frustrated right now because you're not getting the recognition you deserve. 


You may be feeling overwhelmed trying to do “all the things,” wondering if they’re ever going to pay off.


You may be just plain tired of trying to convince people of your value and not working with enough of your ideal customers.


Whether you’re a small business owner, a luxury goods and services provider, or a luxury brand, the way forward is to be exceptional. It’s how you stand out in our too-noisy world, where so much is vying for people’s attention. 


And people have plenty of attention. The problem is they have too many choices. Let’s help them narrow things down a bit. Let’s make you and your business their top choice. Let’s make you exceptional. It’s also what you want—to stand out in your field, to put the best of yourself out into the world, to make people’s lives better; to build a thriving business that upholds its stellar reputation, even as it supports the impact you want to make in the world.

Be seen above ALL choices and be chosen.


The deep yearning you feel will be fulfilled as we discover and feature what's exceptional about you and as we incorporate the strategies you need in order to be the one they notice and the one they want, regardless of how many choices they have.


Through my work as a business coach, author, keynote speaker, podcaster, creator of the Sell to the Rich process, and founder of the Self-Employed Business Institute, I will introduce you to mindsets you've never thought about, practical business strategies to attract your ideal customers, marketing that feels good, and exercises to find the exceptional within yourself to create an exceptional business that stands out and sets a new standard.

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92,000 +


Stand Out and Set a New Standard


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Marketing and branding strategies to attract your ideal customers

The Self-Employed Life

Business and personal development strategies that create sustainable success for self-employed and small business owners.
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Stop spending so much time working ON your business
and get back to doing more of what you're great at!

Learn the systems that create consistent actions and consistent behavior to gain back time, develop the clarity you need to have confidence and direction and implement proven marketing strategies to attract your ideal customers.

Five months of live online business training and coaching for self-employed business owners. A blend of group training and one-to-one coaching.

You'll learn:

The Hug Marketing System that actually works and feels good

An Impact-Based Business Model for purpose-driven business owners

Compelling Brand Messaging that attracts your ideal customers

A proven method to create real change in yourself and your business
 that will bring it all together, create exponential growth, manage the business you have better, and help you get back to business bliss where you stop working so much ON your business and do more of what you're great at!

A one-of-a-kind business education specifically for the unique experience of being self-employed founded and taught by the nation's leading authority for self-employed business owners.

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12-month business growth and personal development program


A portrait photographer turned

It’s the most common question I’m asked yet it actually makes perfect sense.

After four decades of being the go-to portrait photographer for affluent families, selling luxury goods and services, and providing exceptional service to the most discerning audience, you want to share the insider secrets you've learned about the hard-to-break-into and often misunderstood luxury market.

You want to help luxury service providers, luxury brand sales associates, and luxury goods retailers not only grow their businesses but also make the world a better place because they drop assumptions and build more meaningful relationships with those they serve.

In my signature talk, Sell to the Rich: Insider Secrets for Success in the Luxury Market, association members and conference attendees learn:

  • The 5 emotional triggers that get the luxury market to buy,

  • Proven (but not obvious) strategies to create brand obsession and keep luxury clients forever,

  • How intimate details make all the difference in customer experience, and

  • How to leverage changing times and adapt to luxury-buyer psychology.

Perhaps the most important thing attendees learn is that you serve the luxury market not because you think the road is paved with gold.

But because you share their values for excellence, that details matter, and believe that we all have a right to find where we belong.

Signature Talk:

Sell to the Rich: Insider Secrets for Success in the Luxury Market




"This podcast is like a mentoring program on the go, but with many tools and resources to go back to and help you succeed. I feel encouraged and inspired to continue my creative endeavors."

Nearly 1000 episodes
Over 2 million downloads
Over 10 years running


Self Employed Strategist & Speaker | Brand Messaging Expert | Jeffrey Shaw

Wherever I've lived I've built a community by hosting Waffle Sunday at my home where friends old and new gather for homemade waffles made from scratch, mimosas, and camaraderie. What does this have to do with business you might wonder?


It’s about welcoming people into my home, nurturing relationships, and genuinely getting to know one another. These are my core values and are the same foundations I believe a successful business should be built on.


Having been a portrait photographer for affluent families for 40 years I have seen first-hand the power of making people feel seen. Seeing in my coaching clients and students what they can't see in themselves. Helping them develop business and marketing strategies so their customers feel seen. This, and all the business strategies and personal development I provide are like ingredients to make waffles, providing the complete recipe for a successful business.

What I've loved most about running a business is studying human behavior and relationships, and figuring out what emotionally moves people. Today, in all my work, I strive to support business owners to attract their ideal customers, make their customers feel seen, and spend more time doing what they're great at. In doing so, they impact the world in a big way, build successful businesses, and create the life of their dreams.


It’s more than a waffle. It’s about understanding the ingredients of success and fulfillment.


Phone: 305-482-1457  •  Email:

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