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Jeffrey Shaw
2 min read
935: Beware of Mindset Gaps
Inadvertently, we can often create mindset gaps that are holding us back without realizing it. These gaps are subtle but oh such a...

Jeffrey Shaw
3 min read
934: Paul Cuneo – Navigating Your Hero's Journey
I have been receiving coaching for 25 years, and I can honestly say that the coaching I received from today’s guest has been the most...

Jeffrey Shaw
2 min read
933: Fighting Off Feelings of Discouragement
It's impossible to run your own business and try to do big things in life without feeling discouraged at times. Maybe you're feeling that...

Jeffrey Shaw
2 min read
932: Andy Guttormsen – Crafting a Community for your Business
If you're aspiring to build a community for your business, join me and Andy Guttormsen, co-founder and CRO at Circle, as we delve into...

Jeffrey Shaw
2 min read
931: The Challenge of Being Chosen
In business, we don't want to searchable or even to just stand out. We want to be chosen. That's what puts money in the bank. However, it...

Jeffrey Shaw
3 min read
930: Jon Ostenson – The Benefits of Franchise Ownership
In over 900 episodes spanning nine and a half years, we've covered an array of topics, but there's one conversation we've never...

Jeffrey Shaw
2 min read
929: How To Create an Unbreakable Bond Level of Service
Customer service is one of the most talked about topics in business. But as small business owners, we are held to a higher standard if we...

Jeffrey Shaw
3 min read
928: Jim Vaselopulos – The Wisdom of Clarity
I’ve always said that clarity is something everyone needs, and yet it is the hardest thing to sell, because, ironically, its outcomes and...

Jeffrey Shaw
3 min read
927: Regina Lawless – The Secret to a MeaningFULL Life
I'm going to pose a question to you, but before you respond, I want you to consider your answer carefully – your answer to this question...

Jeffrey Shaw
2 min read
926: Two Tips to Kickstart Your Business Growth
I love to share a good story and this is a story I have never shared in a big scale public way. The story offers two great, easy, and...

Jeffrey Shaw
3 min read
925: Ronak Sheth – LIT Videobooks: The Future of Books
In this episode, I'm thrilled to announce that "The Self-Employed Life," the book inspired by this podcast, is now available as a video...

Jeffrey Shaw
2 min read
924: Two Tips for a Great New Year
As we embark on a New Year I wanted to offer you my top two tips to make 2024 a great year for you--trust and authentic expression. Find...

Jeffrey Shaw
3 min read
923: Carlos Alvarenga – The Rules of Persuasion: From Aristotle to AI
Persuasion is the subject of today's episode. Before you tune into my conversation with independent researcher Carlos Alvarenga, take a...

Jeffrey Shaw
3 min read
922: Alan Stein, Jr. – Sustain Your Game: Overcoming Burnout in Self-Employment
As business owners, our intention is to stay in business for the long term. So, what's the key to enduring success over the long haul? My...

Jeffrey Shaw
3 min read
921: John R. Miles – Passion Struck: Aligning Intention with Action
I truly believe that self-employed business owners are some of the most passion driven people you'll ever meet. We have to be to take the...

Jeffrey Shaw
2 min read
920: The Most Important End-of-Year Metric
Along with closing out your books and tallying up your sales, I highly recommend you add this metric to your end of year data. Not going...

Jeffrey Shaw
3 min read
919: Heidi Gardner – Transform Your Business with Smarter Collaboration
If you're a regular listener to this show or have read my book, Lingo, you're well aware of the importance I place on the energy of words...

Jeffrey Shaw
2 min read
918: What Does The World Need Next?
Find out how this question, "What does the world need next?" can be one of the most important questions you can ask yourself in your...

Jeffrey Shaw
3 min read
917: Jane Frankel – Intentional Thinking for Lasting Success
Intention. Often spoken about, especially amongst more introspective and passion-driven business owners such as us, but how many of us...

Jeffrey Shaw
3 min read
916: John Bates – Being TED-Worthy: Insights from a Communication Expert
I've always said that my journey to TEDx was more impactful than actually giving the talk itself; it was a journey in clarity and...
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