I think there are times in life when we're stuck and we don’t even know it, and of course, there are times in life we know we're stuck. How did we get stuck in the first place? And what do we do to get ourselves out? Today I speak with Cara Brookins about how to end procrastination using her proven system to work with your brain to actually do the work. Cara shares her inspiring experience of building a house through how-to videos and explains the psychology behind how they helped her get unstuck. Cara also explains how we can get stuck in life due to either a "sneak attack" or a "lightning strike," and how modern problems don't always fit into our primitive brain wiring. She encourages us to recognize our physiological behaviors and use them to reach our goals using her “Press Your Own Play Button Strategy.” If you've ever felt restless, uncertain, or unable to move forward, my conversation today with Cara Brookins is certain to motivate you, inspire you, and get you going.
Cara Brookins is best known as the woman who built a house with her four kids using YouTube tutorials. After sharing her story in a best-selling memoir, it became an overnight viral media sensation. Now Brookins is a sought-after keynote speaker trusted by global brands to deliver unconventional advice that inspires action and leadership in even the most challenging circumstances. You can find her latest strategies to master productivity, stop procrastinating, and reach your biggest goals at CaraBrookins.com.
And be sure to subscribe to The Self-Employed Life in Apple Podcasts or follow us on Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts so you don’t miss an episode.
Everything you need can all be found at jeffreyshaw.com.
Cara Brookins, thank you so much for being here!
Remember, you might be in business FOR yourself but you are not in business BY yourself.
Be your best self. Be proud and keep changing the world.
Guest Contact –
Unstuck: End Procrastination Using the Ancient Psychology Behind How-to Videos by Cara Brookins
Cara Brookins on LinkedIn (in/carabrookins)
Cara Brookins on Facebook (@CaraBrookinsAuthor)
Cara Brookins on Instagram (@carabrookins)
Cara Brookins on Twitter (cmbrookins)
Contact Jeffrey –
Valuable complimentary resources to help you –
The Self-Employed Business Institute You know you're really good at what you do. You're talented, you have a skill set. The problem is you're probably in a field where there is no business education. This is common amongst self-employed people! And, there's no business education out there for us! You also know that being self-employed is unique and you need better strategies, coaching, support, and accountability. The Self-Employed Business Institute, a five-month online education is exactly what you need. Check it out!
Take The Self-Employed Assessment! Ever feel like you're all over the place? Or frustrated it seems like you have everything you need for your business success but it's somehow not coming together? Take this short quiz to discover the biggest hidden gap that’s keeping you from having a thriving Self-Employed Ecosystem. You’ll find out what part of your business needs attention and you'll also get a few laser-focused insights to help you start closing that gap.
Have Your Website Brand Message Reviewed! Is your website speaking the right LINGO of your ideal customers? Having reviewed hundreds of websites, I can tell you 98% of websites are not. Fill out the simple LINGO Review application and I'll take a look at your website. I'll email you a few suggestions to improve your brand message to attract more of your ideal customers. Fill out the application today and let's get your business speaking the right LINGO!
Host Jeffrey Shaw is a Small Business Consultant, Brand Management Consultant, Business Coach for Entrepreneurs, Keynote Speaker, TEDx Speaker and author of LINGO and The Self Employed Life (May 2021). Supporting self-employed business owners with business and personal development strategies they need to create sustainable success.