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Jeffrey Shaw

Kevin Harrington and Mark Timm - Lessons From the Mindset of Exponential Thinkers

You can never know when the perfect time to act on your self-employed dreams will tap you on the shoulder. Some would even argue that there is no such thing as the “perfect time.” And if there ever was, it’s always in hindsight. But there is such a thing as preparation. And the way to be fully prepared to seize those perfect opportunities is to find yourself a mentor.

Mentorship can mean something different to everyone. On Shark Tank often having a shark as a mentor was just as valuable as the investment itself. You can gain confidence with success, but finding that confidence takes courage. And to find courage you need a mentor. Mentors know you are going to fail and that entrepreneurs are defined by their failures. So if you find someone who is willing to be there to support, guide, and pick you up when you fail, you will slowly build the courage and confidence to fail and take risks- and ultimately succeed. The best way to fail is with mentors.

To dive deeper into the mindset of mentorship and exponential thinking, I’ve invited to the show Kevin Harrington and Mark Timm.

An original “shark” on the hit TV show Shark Tank, the creator of the infomercial, pioneer of the As Seen on TV brand, and co-founding board member of the Entrepreneur’s Organization— Kevin Harrington has pushed past all the questions and excuses to repeatedly enjoy 100X success. His legendary work behind-the-scenes of business ventures has produced well over $5 billion in global sales, the launch of more than 500 products, and the making dozens of millionaires. Twenty of his companies have each topped $100 million in revenue.

Mark's businesses have been built with international footprints in more than a dozen countries and powered by global supply chain connections and across diverse industries from retail to wholesale and from product manufacturing to digital marketing and real estate. Mark knows what it’s like to leverage exponential thinking to multiply success—he started a retail gift company out of his garage and grew it to become a multi-million-dollar enterprise and the #1 supplier of its kind in North America. One of his enterprises achieved recognition as the runner-up for The National Small Business of the Year presented by President Bush, while another venture became one of the top 100 retailers on Amazon.

Learn the fastest way to make and impact on millions by downloading this episode now.

Don’t hire who you can afford. Hire who you can get access to.” - Mark Timm

Highlights –

  • The job of a mentee is to be the best student.

  • Don’t hire a mentor who you can afford. Hire who you can get access to who will help you accomplish the dream you have.

  • Entrepreneurs are defined by what we learn about failures.

  • The best way to fail is with a mentor.

  • There is no such thing as the perfect idea.

  • We will all be tapped on the shoulder by opportunity, the question is will we be ready for it when it happens?

  • Adopt an aggressive curiosity to elevate your business and life.

  • Act now! Take whatever first step you need, regardless of the size.

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Have Your Website Brand Message Reviewed! Is your website and are all your marketing materials speaking the right LINGO of your ideal customers? Often it’s not which is why you’re not converting traffic and leads to clients and attracting your most profitable customers. Fill out the simple LINGO Review application and I’ll take a look at your website. If I have suggestions for you to improve your brand message (I almost always do), we’ll set up a complimentary 30-minute call to discuss. A select number of websites are also chosen for my LINGO Review Video Series. Fill out the application today and let’s get your business speaking the right LINGO!

Host Jeffrey Shaw is a Small Business Consultant, Brand Management Consultant, Business Coach for Entrepreneurs, Keynote Speaker, TEDx Speaker and author of LINGO and The Self Employed Life (May 2021). Supporting self-employed business owners with business and personal development strategies they need to create sustainable success.


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