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Jeffrey Shaw

Tracy Timm- Be Unstoppable: Discover, Define and Drive Your Dream

So much has changed so quickly. A lot of us are reevaluating a lot of things right now. Whether it’s seeking your next dream or transitioning from corporate to entrepreneurship, one thing is for sure. Many people are feeling stuck.

Sometimes what we need is a life audit. When we get clear on where we are and what our core values are, we can then take a look at our lives and decide where we need to go. But first we have to believe we can get there.We self-employed have to believe we can be unstoppable.

To dive into how we can find career clarity, I’ve brought on author and founder of The Nth Degree® Career Academy, Tracy Timm.

The Nth Degree® Career Academy, the proven career clarity system that helps high-potential professionals discover, define, and drive careers they love. Tracy has a degree in behavioral psychology from Yale University and studied design thinking with the founder of the at Stanford University. She left a successful but unsatisfying career in finance, traveled once around the world on Semester at Sea, and discovered her ideal career. For more than five years, she has applied these lessons in her career advisory work with hundreds of individuals and over one hundred fast-growing companies.

Learn how to develop a nothing-is-wasted-mindset by downloading this episode now.

Take ownership and responsibility for your existence in the world.” -Tracy Timm

Highlights –

  • The first step is to believe that you have the permission to make change in your life.

  • People who are stuck feel like they aren’t allowed to make change in their lives.

  • Managing unexpected challenges is about embracing them.

  • What’s the value that you have to add into the world?

  • It’s important to know your Genius Zone, or niche, to be successful.

  • Sustainable success is achieved by knowing your values, to set commitments around those values, not allow anything to go against those values.

  • Always ask yourself “What did I learn from this? And what can I bring with me?”

  • Logic can help alleviate some of the emotional blocks of feeling dissatisfied.

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Resources –

Have Your Website Brand Message Reviewed! Is your website and are all your marketing materials speaking the right LINGO of your ideal customers? Often it’s not which is why you’re not converting traffic and leads to clients and attracting your most profitable customers. Fill out the simple LINGO Review application and I’ll take a look at your website. If I have suggestions for you to improve your brand message (I almost always do), we’ll set up a complimentary 30-minute call to discuss. A select number of websites are also chosen for my LINGO Review Video Series. Fill out the application today and let’s get your business speaking the right LINGO!

Host Jeffrey Shaw is a Small Business Consultant, Brand Management Consultant, Business Coach for Entrepreneurs, Keynote Speaker, TEDx Speaker and author of LINGO and The Self Employed Life (May 2021). Supporting self-employed business owners with business and personal development strategies they need to create sustainable success.


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